Data Files to Share!
If you want to contribute data files, please email them to [email protected].
The data files on the following pages are arranged by system. Remember, you can only read files with the software from that manufacturer (i.e. Aim data is only read with Aim's Race Studio, Motec data with i2, etc.)
If you want to remain anonymous, please feel free to send in a screen shot of your data with no identifying marks on it. I will keep your identity confidential. I'll put the file up in the JPG section and not give any information on where it came from.
The data files on the following pages are arranged by system. Remember, you can only read files with the software from that manufacturer (i.e. Aim data is only read with Aim's Race Studio, Motec data with i2, etc.)
If you want to remain anonymous, please feel free to send in a screen shot of your data with no identifying marks on it. I will keep your identity confidential. I'll put the file up in the JPG section and not give any information on where it came from.